学会名:SPISE 2024 (Summer Program in Sensory Evaluation 2024 -The New Diverse Facets of Sensory Evaluation-) 日程:22 - 27 July 2024, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology 賞の名称:Best Poster Award 受賞演題: THE MOVIE OF FLAVOR: VISUAL REPRESENTATION TECHNIQUES TO EXPRESS DYNAMIC FLAVOR CHANGES 受賞者名: Miyamae, A., Ishibashi, K., Matsubara, K. and Wada, Y. 要旨: Objectives: The purpose of this study was to visually represent the dynamic changes in flavor profiles during consumption, critical to understanding the emotional impact of flavors on consumers but which has so far been challenging to depict with standard visual media. Methods: We selected chocolate as our test sample and applied the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method to gather dynamic data on its flavor characteristics. Additionally, we applied the Semantic Differential (SD) method to align flavor attributes and visual elements within the same psychological space, establishing correlations between specific flavor experiences and...
多感覚・認知デザイン研究室=多感覚知覚と食の認知の研究を行うラボ -大学院生を募集しています-