雑誌:心理学評論, 66 (1), 50-60.
特集:アートと心理学 (編集:高橋康介・和田有史・北川智利・蘆田 宏)
巻号頁:66 (1), 50-60.
Abstract: Psychology has long been deeply intertwined with the arts and with food, but food itself as art remains unexplored. One important reason for this oversight is that food has never been regarded as art. Recent experimental research on the multisensory perception of food, which is known as gastrophysics, has begun to attract the attention of chefs and consumers and to influence creativity in fine dining. Furthermore, food shares common factors, including multisensory experiences, with many of the arts and these factors are being used to elevate food itself to an art. The factors have been examined in the psychology of eating, and they are contributing to the creation of new eating experiences. However, psychology must develop new methodologies to elucidate the experience of fine dining as art. For insight into this challenge, we present a dialogue between a chef, a food journalist and a psychologist on fine cuisine as a form of art.