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タイトル:Effect of a Variety of Food Shapes on Sensory-Specific Satiety Using Chicken McNuggets® as Stimuli

誌名:Interdisciplinary Information Sciences


Title: Effect of a Variety of Food Shapes on Sensory-Specific Satiety  Using Chicken McNuggets® as Stimuli (食品形状のバラエティが感性的満腹感に与える影響:Chicken McNuggets® を用いて)
Authors: Yuki NISHIDA, Sarasa EGUCHI, Miho SAKURAI, Kazuya MATSUBARA, Yui TANAKA and Yuji WADA
Journal: Interdisciplinary Information Sciences

Abstract: Individuals have less desire for foods they eat repeatedly than for foods they have not eaten. This is called sensory-specific satiety (SSS), and it motivates people to eat a variety of foods. This psychological study examined the influence of a variety of food shapes on SSS using a four-shaped food product known as Chicken McNuggets®. Twenty participants completed three phases: first rating, preload and second rating. During the first rating, participants ate one nugget and rated their feelings, such as pleasantness or boredom. During the preload phase, half of the participants consumed six nuggets of the same shape as that of the first rating. The other half ate six nuggets comprised of four different shapes. During the second rating, all participants ate a nugget of the same shape as that of their first rating and rated their feelings. The results showed that participants who had eaten only one shape had a greater decrease in pleasantness and an increase in boredom than those who had eaten four shapes. These findings provide evidence that SSS decreases with varied food shapes and support the view that food-shape variety acts as a cue for estimating food variety overall.
繰り返し食べる食べ物に対する欲求は、食べていない食べ物に比べて低くなる。これを感性的満腹感(SSS)と呼び、人々が様々な食べ物を食べる動機となる。本研究では、Chicken McNuggets® 6の形状の多様性がSSSに与える影響を心理学的に検討した。20人の参加者が以下の3つのフェーズを完了した。第一フェーズでは、参加者は1個のナゲットを食べて、快適さや退屈さなどの感情を評価した。次に、半数の参加者は最初の評価と同じ形のナゲットを6個食べ、他の半数は4つの異なる形のナゲットを6個食べた。第三フェーズでは、全ての参加者が再度最初と同じ形のナゲットを食べて評価を行った。結果、1種類のみの形状のナゲットを食べた参加者は、4種類の形状のナゲットを食べた参加者に比べて快適さの減少と退屈さの増加が顕著であった。これらの発見は、食べ物の形状の多様性がSSSを減少させることを示しており、形状の多様性が食べ物全体の多様性を推測するための手掛かりとして機能することを支持するものである。: GPT-4による日本語翻訳)